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摘要:李彦宏吃虫李彦宏晒生吃虫子照片,李彦宏吃的什么虫照片 日前,著名探险家、节目主持人贝尔公开邀请李彦宏参加自己主持的一档野外生存节目的录制。
李彦宏吃虫 李彦宏吃的什么虫照片




  Mr. Robin Li, co-founder of Baidu, is a brilliant Chinese entrepreneur and IT leader, who has the desire to change the world. You have achieved great success globally. Your charm, wit and charisma has given you a great following.

  I understand that you always look positively at all challenges, which you take as motivations for all of life progressions. But the wilderness is something that I love and would like to help you explore!

  Myself and director Gan Chao sincerely invite you to travel with us to this unknown world full of passion, challenges and glory. I ensure that this will be the most difficult and most unforgettable journey you have ever had in your life. Will you accept my challenge and invitation! Hope to see you soon!

  Bear Grylls