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中国人真有钱了?国人消费预追美国 5成花费却为吃住

摘要:中国人购买力现状:国人人均消费水平低 半数消费为温饱 虽然中国人的消费水平不断提高,但从居民消费结构可看出,国人消费重点依然停留在解决温饱,食品与住房占到个人全年消费的50%以上,而在日本和韩国这两项
中国人购买力现状:国人人均消费水平低 半数消费为温饱




经济学人智库 《中国消费者2030年面貌前瞻》

日本总务省统计局《Statistical Handbook of Japan 2017》

韩国统计局(KOSTAT)《Household Income & Expenditure Trends in the Fourth Quarter and in 2016》

Bureau of Labor Statistics ,United States Department of Labor 《Consumer Expenditure 2016》

Statista 《Comparison of U.S. online sales revenue on Thanksgiving and Black Friday from 2008 to 2017》

The Washington Post《The Chinese are now buying as much stuff as Americans, a game-changer for the world economy》